A few weeks ago I went to Adventure Island theme park in Southend, to watch Kingsland perform at the last 'Big Night Out' of this year. This was the first gig as a four piece for me to go to so I was a little bit anxious if I'm honest!
Both myself and mum were lucky enough to win a competition on Facebook which meant that we won free ride bands and meet and greet tickets. We got there early and had a nosy around the place, as it was just after Halloween, all the staff were still in costumes and I was particularly creeped out by a werewolf cleaner lurking around the place haha!
We got to the barrier with Summer and her friend and watched the boys soundcheck. They probably travelled more than we did that day, as they had a gig in Blackpool the night before and had to use the train like is fangirls (now they've had a taste of how everyone has to travel to see them!).
Once it was time for them to perform, they shook off any travel tiredness and absolutely smashed it on stage! It was so strange seeing them as a four piece and even stranger to hear Jay's bits being sing by Josh or Thomps, but they did a brilliant job. Getting to see them perform on stage is one of my favourite things, I adore their music so much and getting to see them doing what they love on stage makes me happy!
Afterwards we went to the meet and greet. The boys were on top form, having a joke about how we probably tour more than they do (which sounds legit considering that we like a lot of bands and singers!!). Beforehand I was sad knowing that Jay wouldn't be there and I wondered what I would do without my swaying hugs but I didn't need to worry - Thomps seemed to channel Jay by swaying me and subsequently spinning me around which was hilarious to everyone apart from me!!

They know how to make a m&g picture cute ;)
It was a cute little gig despite the fact that it's going to take some time getting used to them as a four piece. They're so talented, I never get sick of seeing them perform! This week was my two year klander anniversary which is madness - the same day, they announced their US tour dates! They deserve the world and I'll always be around to support them no matter what.
Currently a little bit sad because I don't actually know when I'll be seeing them next which is strange for me, hoping they announce some gigs I can go to or fulfil some of my pledges soon! (However that means this blog will also have a little break from rambling on about them all the time haha!!)
Hwyl am y tro ✌️
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