Two years ago today still remains a very special night for me. It was a night of firsts which all surrounded a band called Times Red.
It was the first time I got to meet them, having supported them since the September of that year after their short stint on X Factor. I've loved X Factor bands since the show began, I always end up supporting someone every year but the love and support I had for Times Red was in a league of it's own. My bank account STILL weeps at how many votes were cast for them during wildcard week haha.
After their exit they announced that they'd be performing in a Cardiff club called Fat Cat. Our first time meeting them would also coincide with our first time "clubbing" in Cardiff haha, although it was more of a chilled place really. It makes me sad how the club has actually closed down now :(
Before hand, myself, mum, my friend Sarah and Chuns went for food. It was the first time for us to meet Chuns after speaking on twitter. We had a few hours to spare before the club opened and that's how my first hotel stalking experience occurred!!! With the help of Google Maps and Lukey openly tweeting their location, we made our way to their hotel and hovered in the bar. Me and Sarah being nosy little things, we went to the toilet then went into the lift to have a look around the hotel. As the doors were closing we looked into the reception area and there stood Scott! Obviously we immediately ran out and thanks to Chuns' ninja skills, she made the first move in speaking to him.
The four of us then spent an hour talking to Scott in the foyer, he was so lovely! Lukey also came down for a while and they certainly made me feel more comfortable about meeting them. He's bonkers in the best way possible! It was amazing being able to speak to them properly before going to the club.
The club was where we met Staz for the first time, where I managed to excel myself at being embarrassing. I will never forget going to hug him and blurting out "omg you're even more beautiful in real life" (which is true but so unnecessary to say, I wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then!!!)
We got to see them perform live for the first time too, they were incredible. We were also some of the first out of our friendship group to see them live so we were responsible for taking pictures and videos to share with everyone.
Attempting Lukey's famous pose...
What made my year of supporting Times Red as a band special was the fact that they were the first band that knew me on a personal level in terms of knowing my name and recognising me. They were always more than just a band to me and I'm forever thankful for the brilliant experiences I had because of them. Helping to promote them at Clothes Show was the craziest and most precious experience that will always mean a lot to me. They're also responsible for my favourite song of all time which is Patience - have a look for it on YouTube/iTunes!
Along with all of this came a bunch of amazing people into my life. When the boys split up, we were told that the friendships created because of the boys need to continue. Unfortunately some of the friendships have passed, some of them still exist but only two friendships have grown since then. They know who they are - I speak to them on a daily basis and they're not even friends anymore, they're my family. I got to do some amazing things and visit new places when I supported Times Red but nothing will ever top the fact that they introduced me to some people that changed my life. I know that sounds so bloody dramatic but it's true - they keep me smiling always. I don't say it enough but I'm forever grateful for my Twinny and my sis :)

I would not know these two if it wasn't for those three boys <3
I would do anything to relive the year I had with Times Red before they split - they're well overdue a reunion in my opinion ;)
Hwyl am y tro ✌️
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